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Joomla Compatibility: sh404SEF is available for Joomla! 1.5.x, Joomla! 2.5.x and Joomla! 3.x

Joomla Components Required: sh404SEF

Browser Requirements: The minimum recommended browser versions are IE8, Safari 5, Chrome 10+, Opera 10+ and FireFox 3.5+.

The latest versions of all browsers is recommended. Earlier browser versions may work as required but performance and stability is not guaranteed.

The article editor contains boxes for editing the meta data for each article you create.  However, using sh404SEF can make that process a lot easier and faster.  All of the pages on your site are listed in one place with spaces for you to edit the page titles and descriptions easy to locate and use.

Select the sh404SEF Component


Click Title and Meta Manager


Edit Page Titles and Description Meta Tags

 Enter the titles and descriptions in the appropriate boxes. Click "Save" when done.


For more information on how to write search-engine friendly page titles and descriptions, or for a full review of how you can better optimize your website for search engines, ask about our SEO Base Package.